Monday, April 4, 2011


Resveratrol - Live Longer?

Resveratrol supplements are the supplements which is made of complex compound resveratrol extract ( an extract of the red wine) and essential trace elements like minerals. Resveratrol is one of the most potent anti oxidants till date, it is in the same genre of ECGC which is very effective to tackle the aging process, wrinkles and also very complex diseases like Diabetes type-1. Resveratrol is generally found in the skins of berries and grapes. Resveratrol was firstly extracted from the Japanese Knotweed.

Resveratrol extract has numerous health benefits. It encourages a healthy longer life without any side effects. Resveratrol is better known as an anti aging agent Resveratrol supplement also helps to lose weight

Many believe that resveratrol may have anti-aging properties, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer characteristics. More research on this antioxidant agent has shown that it can help prevent heart disease and cancer. It has been found that resveratrol is very effective in treating pancreatic cancer.

Resveratrol is also known for fighting free radicals produces in the body. It also rejuvenates the blood vessels and effectively cause absorption of glucose without elevating blood glucose levels. High levels of glucose in the blood may experience cellular damage and develop retinopathy, kidney disease, and heart disease.

A new study says that Resveratrol may not only reduce the risk of heart disease but also age-related illnesses like Alzheimer's disease.

Resveratrol also tackles arthritis, other auto immune diseases, it triggers the action of the antigens that fight the anti bodies in the body mechanism.Resveratrol is also good for reducing wrinkles.

More on Resveratrol

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